On Anarchy II

Anarchy does not mean no State. It means no rulers over you. Taking away a State does not mean that there would be no one who would rule over you. In fact, the State exists because the other parties that vie to rule over you have lost the public bidding. If you want a competitor to the current State, you can set one up right now. However, the rules of the current State will demolish that competitor you have immediately. A State is a monopoly of force on a given territory. 

Therefore, it all boils down to territory and its monopolization and this is where justice comes into play in gaining back liberty. If you can only monopolize a territory subject to the condition that you compensate those whom you exclude, then there will be no real rulers. It would be a competition of rulers on who can make as much productive use of the land. This principle can be consistently used on differents scales, from a square meter of land to a nation.

Georgism is the closest you can get to a true anarchy.

Decoupling land from improvements: evaluating 100% LVT

Mihali A. Felipe Abstract One of the main criticisms in the implementation of the land value tax (LVT) is in its evaluation. To demonstrate ...